Annual General Meeting 2022

The Annual General Meeting of Nightingale Health Plc was held on Thursday, 17 November 2022, beginning at 4:00 p.m. (EET)

The Meeting was held as a remote meeting in accordance with Chapter 5, Section 16, Subsection 3 of the Finnish Companies Act, in which shareholders fully exercise their decision-making powers by the use of telecommunications and technical means during the Meeting in real time. Shareholders can also participate in the Meeting through advance voting. The remote meeting does not have a physical meeting venue which shareholders or their proxy representatives could attend in person.

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors’ organizational meeting of Nightingale Health Plc

Company release, 17 November 2022

Notice to the Annual General Meeting

Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Nightingale Plc

Registration and voting in advance

Online registration and voting in advance

Registration and advance voting form for registration and advance voting by mail or email

Proxy document

Proxy document

Proposal for the election of the members of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors proposes that, until the end of the next Annual General Meeting, the current members of the Board of Directors Tom Jansson, Antti Kangas, Olli Karhi, Lotta Kopra, Leena Niemistö, Timo Soininen and Teemu Suna shall be re-elected as members of the Board of Directors.

The above-mentioned nominated persons have given their consent to the election. The presentations of the persons nominated for the Board of Directors are available at

Documents of the Annual General Meeting 2022

Annual Report 2021–2022

Board of Directors' Report and Financial Statements 2021–2022

Auditor's Report 2021–2022

Corporate Governance Statement 2021–2022

Remuneration Report 2021–2022

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

CEO's review

Shareholder’s right to have a matter included on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2022

A shareholder has the right to have a matter falling within the competence of the general meeting under the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act (624/2006, as amended; the "Companies Act") included on the agenda of the general meeting. A request from a shareholder to have a matter included on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2022 shall be sent to the company’s Board of Directors in writing no later than on 29 September 2022. Such request together with a proposal for a resolution shall be sent by email to agm[at] or by mail to the following address: Nightingale Health Plc, Chief Legal Officer Minja Salmio, Mannerheimintie 164a, 00300 Helsinki, Finland.

No requests were made by the deadline.